Smart Farms systems using K3s a lightweight Kubernetes, OpenInfraDays México

In this talk, Sergio Méndez shows us how Kubernetes can be used to monitor plants in gardens or farms using edge Kubernetes clusters in order to implement smart farm systems. This talk also presents a short demo, showing how you can monitor the temperature and humidity in a garden to take actions like watering plants. This demo runs using some basic sensors, K3s, a lightweight Kubernetes, and MySQL together with Grafana to show weather metrics of your garden or farm in real-time. During the talk, the attendee will learn how to implement a basic smart farm system using Kubernetes at the edge.

Event Link | Slides

Building a Multi-Node Cluster with K3s Using ARM Devices, Kubernetes on Edge Day EU 2022, KubeConEU Spain

Edge computing is coming as a way to improve user experience for applications, processing data near to the source. Sometimes in edge computing you share data between local machines and the cloud. If you are starting an edge computing project, you could be interested in taking advantage of containers on the edge. Here is where K3s shines to implement edge computing solutions on low resources environments that commonly use ARM devices. In this talk we are going to explore the key elements and best practices to build a K3s cluster on the edge using ARM devices. The talk will show how to build this cluster using Raspberry devices, showing how to configure your local network and a bare metal load balancer with MetalLB, and install other cloud native storage blocks such as Longhorn or OpenEBS. This to finally get a production ready K3s cluster. The talk also provides a quickstart to build edge computing environments for your needs, mentioning different use cases and challenges of this kind when building edge solutions.

Event Link | Slides

Deployments on the edge using Argo CD & Workflows and K3s, ArgoCon

This talk presents the challenges to perform continuous deployment for chatbots or ML applications on the edge using Argo CD & Workflows , and how you can use K3s as the main Kubernetes distribution to build edge computing systems. It also focuses in the strategies to do massive deployments on edge devices using ARM processors with Argo, combined with the power of K3s, and storage on the public cloud to fit IoT requirements and a lightweight environment for continuous deployments. At the end of this talk, the speaker presents a short demo, showing a hybrid edge system using public cloud services from GCP to store data for the edge cluster and the applications, and the execution of continuous deployment of ML model in some K3s clusters running on Raspberry Pi’s.

Event Link | Slides

Kubernetes Community Days Guatemala

Kubernetes Community Days Guatemala was a two day event, one day for students and other for professionals, we had 402 attendees, 37 speaking sessions, and more than 15 students to organize the event. This event included speakers that speak Spanish and foreigh speakers from different countries, included India, China, UK, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Spain, Guatemala and US. The event closed with Mila Verte concert. An indie music band from Guatemala. I was the main organizer.

This was the Twitter account for the event:

Event Link | KCD Guatemala, Day 1 Students, Youtube Playlist | KCD Guatemala, Day 2 Professionals, Youtube Playlist

Building the next generation of cloud native engineers, WTFisCloudNative

In this talk, Sergio Méndez, professor at USAC University, presents the reasons to teach cloud native technologies to students in the university, and how this helps them to build their skills and grow in their IT careers. He also presents how a student with the right skills will be able to tap into the global tech market, and how they may well innovate in their own countries, focusing on Guatemala.

He also will share his lessons learned and the challenges he found to choose the right content, to teach cloud native technologies like Kubernetes, Linkerd, or Chaos Mesh. He also explains how academia can help companies to adopt these technologies and the culture around cloud native.

In the end, Sergio will share how organizations like CNCF and projects like Linkerd, Chaos Mesh, and Curiefense are opening opportunities for students like speaking in conferences like KubeCon, Community Groups, internships, or doing contributions, giving real examples about what his students are doing in Central America.

Event Link | Slides

Edge Computing con Kubernetes y K3s, COECYS, Guatemala

This talk was presented at COECYS 2021, an online students event from USAC university.

Event Link | Slides

Cloud Native and CNCF Projects, CNCF Students. Guatemala/India

I hosted and speak in a live streaming for CNCF Students in Spanish, my students present the concepts of Cloud Native, CNCF projects, and how to start contributing. Online Event.

Event Link |

Creating Containers with Containerd, CNCF Students. Guatemala

I hosted and speak in a live streaming for CNCF Students in Spanish, one of my students Leonel Aguilar presented a quick introduction to Containerd. Online Event.

Event Link |

Chaos Engineering with Chaos Mesh® and Linkerd. DevCon, China

DevCon2021 asian conference presented my pre-recorded talk about a quick Chaos Engineering introduction using Chaos Mesh and Linkerd. Online event.

Event Link | Slides

Covid Realtime Visualizer with K8s, Linkerd & Chaos Mesh. KCD, Spain

I spoke with my students in the KCD Spain with the topic Realtime COVID-19 Vaccinated People Visualizer, this project was build using Kubernetes, Chaos Mesh, Linkerd, Strimzi, and gRPC. Online event.

Event Link | Slides | Demo Repository