Sustainable Edge systems and food tech using cloud native technologies, Veeam Kubernetes Korner, Online

In this show, Sergio and Geoffrey will talk about Sergio’s latest book, “Edge Computing Systems with Kubernetes,” outlining the fundamental components necessary for edge computing and sharing how these systems contribute to environmental sustainability.

Despliegues en Edge con Flux, Cloud Native Guatemala

I spoke at Cloud Guatemala with the topic “Edge deployments with Flux” it was about how to take advantage of Flux at the edge to update devices. I also hosted the event with other organizers.

Event | LinkedIn Post | Photo 1

Cooking a Sustainable Feijoada with Edge Cloud Native Technologies, KCD Sao Paulo, Brasil

I spoke at Cloud Guatemala with the topic “Edge deployments with Flux” it was about how to take advantage of Flux at the edge to update devices. I also hosted the event with other organizers.

Event | LinkedIn Post | Photos

Cloud Native para Humanos, Tech Community, Guatemala

I participated in the Tech Community Days, giving a quick introduction to CNCF and Kubernetes using drawings. I also covered topics as Service Meshes, certifications, env sustainability and also how to start contributing to CNCF projects.

Video 1 | Banner | Photo 1 | Photo 2

Intro: Ecosistema CNCF, Cloud Native Guatemala, Online

I was host in the speaking session “Intro: Ecosistema CNCF”, I introduced the speaker and helped reading the questions in the session. Also in charge of the streaming. The topic was an introduction about CNCF.


Aplicaciones Foodtech corriendo en un edge Kubernetes, KCD Spain, Online

In this talk Sergio Méndez will talk to us about how Agritech and Foodtech solutions running on the edge can help automate applications on farms that can help optimize processes in crops, fertilizer, or food generation, etc., and how these processes can generate an environment sustainable where the impact on the environment is reduced. Sergio will also explain how Agritech and Foodtech can revolutionize food production in Latin America, creating low-cost solutions, using K3s, a light Kubernetes and other cloud native technologies, accompanied by ARM hardware devices such as Raspberry Pi, for home projects. or productive use. At the end he will explain how Agritech and Foodtech are related to the TAG Environmental Sustainability, promoted in CNCF to have technological solutions that reduce the impact on the environment.

Event Link | Slides

Cloud Native LATAM a year retrospective!, Cloud Native Latam, Online

In this talk, Sergio Méndez participated talking about the events that Cloud Native Guatemala Chapter hosted across the year, including a KCD.

Event Link

Building Smart Farms with Edge Computing Systems Using Kubernetes, Kubernetes on Edge Day - Kubecon, Chicago

In this talk Sergio presents different use case scenarios where people can use K3s(a lightweight Kubernetes) to implement an edge computing system that measures temperature and humidity sensors to build a smart farm. Smart farms have a lot of use cases in Latin American countries where agriculture is an important way for income. During the talk Sergio will explain how to design a basic smart farm system using the different edge computing layers to design this system. At the end of this talk Sergio is going to show a basic smart farm implementation using K3s and Raspberry Pi devices, temperature and humidity sensors, MySQL and Grafana, showing in real-time how to monitor plants in gardens or farms.

Event Schedule Link | Slides | Repository

Sustainability Environments con ARM y Kubernetes, Cloud Native Guatemala, Online

In this talk we will present the basic concepts of cloud native and how these technologies can impact better use of computing resources used in the cloud..

Event Link

K8s en la Universidad - Parte 2, Cloud Native Guatemala, Online

In this session we will be sharing with the students of the San Carlos University of Guatemala, to learn how to use Kubernetes, after the previous session we had in their class meetings. It is open to external participants to students who also want to learn.
